Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A piece for an Invite

This is an invitation I did for a parent of a student who my wife once taught. It was fun, and I think they liked what I did. It's her husband's 50th birthday, and they threw him a party. The theme was over the hill, but all of the sketches I did with him already over the "hill" looked odd. So I kept him approaching the peak. It just seemed to work better as an image.And here it is... the text really worked well with it... but well that's that I guess.

That's all I have to say about this. More to come.

The image began on the right, until the reference showed his sleeve tattooed arm was the right arm, so I flipped it...

...oooh, magic...lol!

More to come soon enough.


niK said...

: D

Scott Cohn said...

you know, that's what is known as a happy accident. and truth to tell, it makes the piece that you had to flip it, from a storytelling perspective. we read left to right, and he hasn't gotten over the hill yet, so...

something about it pre-flipped stops me. i can't explain it. it stops the flow i guess. anyhoo, much better that you flipped it!